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Modern Slavery Policy and Statement
Last Updated 14th March 2022
Marketboomer is committed to respecting and supporting the dignity, well-being and human rights of our employees and those who we engage with through our supply chain.
Modern slavery is an ongoing issue worldwide. Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as:
- slavery, servitude (coercing someone to provide services) and forced and compulsory labour;
- human trafficking (arranging or facilitating the travel or movement of a victim with a view to them being exploited);
- committing any offence with the intention to commit human trafficking; or
- aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring any of the above offences,
All of these practices deprive individuals of their liberty in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. We are committed to acting ethically, with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within our business.
Marketboomer is a specialist provider of Software as a Service (SaaS) to the hospitality industry globally, with the majority of our staff and operations in Australasia. Marketboomer has an open door policy with staff and a set of values that encourages everybody to speak up when they see something that doesn’t look or feel right. Any suspected instances of modern slavery should be reported. Staff may report to their one-up manager; CEO or Founder.Should Marketboomer become aware that any supplier does not meet our expectations, we will engage directly with the supplier and develop an action plan to eradicate the practice in a transparent, timely and efficient manner. Should the supplier be uncooperative, the appropriate action will be taken, including terminating the business relationship, if necessary by Marketboomer. Our Suppliers
As a SaaS business we maintain a supplier register and conduct due diligence prior to them being engaged for services. All Suppliers are required to confirm that they operate safe and fair workplaces and have no known human rights issues in their workplaces. Marketboomer is committed to the prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our supply chain and encourage all those working on the Company’s behalf to avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of the Policy.
Our supplier relationships are categorised by the following:
Suppliers that assist in delivering our solutions and products (includes hosting providers, software providers and hardware suppliers)
Goods and Services providers that will supply services that are paid for by our partners (Hotels and Buyers) and can include consumables, equipment and other goods.
Recruitment providers
Marketing and Brand Companies
External advisorsWe have assessed our risk of modern slavery due to the above to be low, and are committed to ensuring no modern slavery exists in either our supply chains or business. Training and Awareness
Marketboomers Modern Slavery Policy is circulated to all members of staff annually and as updates are made. We provide access to government resources to explain to employees what to do if they suspect that it is taking place within our supply chain.Cleansing Statement
No reports of modern slavery or human trafficking have been recieved from employees, the public, or any government agencies in the past financial year. While Marketboomer does not fall under the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 reporting requirement we believe it is important for all businesses to do their bit to eradicate Modern Slavery.
Our Business
Marketboomer is a specialist provider of Software as a Service (SaaS) to the hospitality industry globally, with the majority of our staff and operations in Australasia.
Marketboomer has an open door policy with staff and a set of values that encourages everybody to speak up when they see something that doesn’t look or feel right.
Any suspected instances of modern slavery should be reported. Staff may report to their one-up manager; CEO or Founder.
Should Marketboomer become aware that any supplier does not meet our expectations, we will engage directly with the supplier and develop an action plan to eradicate the practice in a transparent, timely and efficient manner. Should the supplier be uncooperative, the appropriate action will be taken, including terminating the business relationship, if necessary by Marketboomer.
Our Suppliers
As a SaaS business we maintain a supplier register and conduct due diligence prior to them being engaged for services. All Suppliers are required to confirm that they operate safe and fair workplaces and have no known human rights issues in their workplaces. Marketboomer is committed to the prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our supply chain and encourage all those working on the Company’s behalf to avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of the Policy.
Our supplier relationships are categorised by the following:
1. Suppliers that assist in delivering our solutions and products (includes hosting providers, software providers and hardware suppliers)
2. Goods and Services providers that will supply services that are paid for by our partners (Hotels and Buyers) and can include consumables, equipment and other goods.
3. Recruitment providers
4. Marketing and Brand Companies
5. External advisors
We have assessed our risk of modern slavery due to the above to be low, and are committed to ensuring no modern slavery exists in either our supply chains or business. Training and Awareness
Marketboomers Modern Slavery Policy is circulated to all members of staff annually and as updates are made. We provide access to government resources to explain to employees what to do if they suspect that it is taking place within our supply chain.Cleansing Statement
No reports of modern slavery or human trafficking have been recieved from employees, the public, or any government agencies in the past financial year. While Marketboomer does not fall under the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 reporting requirement we believe it is important for all businesses to do their bit to eradicate Modern Slavery.
Training and Awareness
The Marketboomer Modern Slavery Policy is circulated to all members of staff annually and as updates are made. We provide access to government resources to explain to employees what to do if they suspect that it is taking place within our supply chain.
Cleansing Statement
No reports of modern slavery or human trafficking have been recieved from employees, the public, or any government agencies in the past financial year. While Marketboomer does not fall under the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 reporting requirement we believe it is important for all businesses to do their part to eradicate Modern Slavery.
For any questions, please contact us please contact Marketboomer Pty Ltd via email on help@marketboomer.com or phone us on +61 2 8215 7133.
Marketboomer Pty Ltd V1.14
Last Updated March 25th 2022